Enrique and "The Butter"
Wednesday, January 10, 2007:
On a serious note.... I rarely get serious with bloggy...but every once in awhile, I feel the need to take a moment out of my busy life, and re-think things. I happened to just read an article on the amount of homeless people in the US. Now, I don't really think a lot about homeless people...sometimes it's easier for me to think that those people chose to be homeless, or they are lazy, etc... It's easier to think that, but is it accurate? Probably not. See "The Pursuit of Happyness" and you will get what I mean. Many people end up homeless because they get laid-off, lose their job, and than, of course, when the $ runs out, they lose their home. My father was laid-off when I was growing up. It was probably one of the scariest things that can happen when you are a child - even as a little kid, I knew how drastic it was when the main breadwinner doesn't work, and can't find work for a long time....Luckily, he found a new job. But there are many people who aren't so lucky. Many homeless are mentally ill. And we have no where to put these mentally ill people as the mental homes are over-crowded and under-funded. Think about this...You loose your job, than you loose your home. No one wants to hire someone who doesn't have a permanent address! How do you find a job, or go on interviews with little to no resources? It makes it pretty hard.
I think it just made me stop and think....When we have people in the United States like Bill Gates, worth billions of dollars, and than we have 700,000 homeless people? All I'm saying is that, with the proper tools, maybe many homeless people wouldn't be homeless if we had more affordable housing options, and tools to help them find and keep a job. I am not for people free-loading off of the system - I worked hard to get where I got today - but you see people from that movie I mentioned above, and it makes you realize how many more tools I had in my pocket than he did...and maybe how much easier I have life than I have ever truly realized....maybe I should just quit this crazy rat race, and find a job that has meaning!
And that is my serious story of the day.
Heather // 8:01 PM
Sunday, January 07, 2007:
New Year, New Heath!
So I've decided that 2007 is gonna be my year. I'm either going to meet the man of my dreams, walk off into the sunset, get the cute little house with the fence, 2.5 kids and puppy or bust. I am going to be 27 this year, and I now that I am starting to push 30, I'm gonna start pushing back! No more feeling sorry for myself, etc... (as I tend to do a lot). I'm going to be a postive Heath, and think only positive thoughts! Yes, I like this new Heath already.
Heather // 3:38 PM